forest stories
Photographer Malika Malika Studio
"Fantasy & Beauty ... Fashion & Style" Fashion Studio Boutique "TasChic" offers * All kinds of women's casual clothes * Evening and wedding dresses * Themed outfits for parties * Representation costumes for children and adults * Children's festive clothing * Creative alteration of clothing * Private Sewing Lessons
forest stories
Photographer Malika Malika Studio
„Мир — это тело мироздания, душа которого — Господь, и люди с Ангелами вместе даруют чувственностью плоть. Огонь и прах, вода и воздух — из их частиц мир создан сплошь. Единство в этом, совершенство, всё остальное в мире — ложь.“
— Омар Хайям
thank so much!!!
'Take your mother's pride
About the person you are
Take my heart, it is yours and for you
Everything is on its way
I'm always with you
Breathing, dreaming
Take it ... '
"Goddess of the Earth"